Sri Lanka gets world's second Goss Magnum Compact
Friday, October 10, 2014
Colombo, Sri Lanka
Sri Lanka gets world’s second Goss Magnum Compact The world’s second Goss Magnum Compact press is going to Express Newspapers in Sri Lanka. The daily newspaper will take a three-tower,one folder version of the highly-automated single-width press, with a 546mm cut-off and right-angle pasters.
Regional sales vice president Peter Kirwan gave details of the sale to delegates at the ASEAN Newspaper Printers conference in Manila, thePhilippines. The press which can change an edition including ink presets and a set of 24 colour plates in just over two minutes will be used toprint consecutive editions of the newspaper in multiple languages, as well as other work. Kirwan says the press is currently under constructionat the Goss factory in Shanghai.
Goss announced the sale of the first Magnum Compact to Advance Publications in Staten Island, New York in February, following privateshowings of the much-anticipated design. A six tower version, it has been fitted into anex isting two level pressroom with its towers in theformer reelstand level and the folder on the floor above. Goss will focus attention on the “unique capabilities” of the Magnum Compact at itsstand at WANIfra’s World Publishing Expo in Amsterdam next month. Goss International marketing services director Eric Bell says the press’slevel of automation is unique for its class. “Today ’s growth areas are dominated by smaller printers and publishers who are adept at seizingopportunities to expand their portfolio,” he said.
The press supports multi-product business models from traditional production v olumes to ultrashort run lengths as low as 500 copies. Gosssays it will also underline projects across Asia and Africa that confirm the popularity of standard Community and Magnum presses at WPE, andpresent updates on double and triple-width projects including America’s the 6×2 Uniliner press now live at the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, theUSA’s first.